Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We’ve been having some of that glorious clear crisp weather that makes autumn a sheer delight! Walking the mutts early (5:30) this morning the deep indigo velvet sky was spangled with glittering stars. The dew frosted like diamonds in the lamplight, and there wasn’t any sound unless it was the song of the stars themselves. I did scent a cigar which meant the Doberman from the top of the hill had taken his person for an even earlier walk. The forest paths, which aren’t lamp lit, were resplendent in patchwork moonlight. The only things to watch out for are: 1) the odd cat on the prowl – both mutts take it as given that all cats are to be destroyed on sight, so I have to be sure to prevent their hauling me off my feet – 2) the few muddy spots, which are slippery; and 3) mushrooms, which I cannot see in the moonlight but which the dogs can smell and some of which they adore eating, but which give them dreadful gas.

I hauled myself into town via bus today to get to the employment office. Then on to my physical therapy – found where my shoulders OUGHT to be for the second time in a month. Feels great the moment they are in the right place it is “Wow! Yes, that’s definitely where they belong!” and then I can walk along for a day or so with them actually as they should be. After that I hurried home and walked the mutts again. May does a lot of berry picking as we take our afternoon walk; Breaker wants more mushrooms or apples. Then it was back to town for a lesson. After the lesson and before going to Martta (women’s group) I stopped by the handicraft advice center. I am still not happy with the belt.

You can see from the picture – and the pattern – that things are shaping up, but appear elongated. They shouldn’t be elongated. That is caused by the white thread being too thick. Also the pattern seems mostly balanced between white and blue; it ought to be dominated by the blue. Again this is a problem caused by the white being too thick What you cannot see is the reverse side, which ought to be a “negative” to the “positive”. It looks dreadful. Anyhow, I made an appointment at the handicraft advice center, and will go in on Thursday morning with EVERYTHING I have (already packed). And we will get this thing figured out. It may mean spinning the cotton myself, but daggumit if that’s what it takes, then that is what it takes!

Meanwhile the sock is coming along – I took it with me today and knit while waiting my turn at the employment office, while waiting for my PT, and during our Martta meeting. I even knit a few rows on the bus. This photo taken early yesterday when I was turning the cuff doesn't show today's progress. By the time I get through tomorrow I will indeed have "progress" to show you.

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