Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Hat

This hat is worked from the crown to the brim. I was using up bits of hand-spun yarn that were sitting around. By and large the yarn was of a similar thickness. I took some care in guessing at how tight or loose to knit so that differences between yarn thicknesses were minimized in the hat. I saved my thickest warmest yarn for the part of me that is always cold: my ears, so that means for the last 6-8 cm (3-4 inches). That is also the part I knit most snugly.

Choose yarn in colors that make you happy

To duplicate this style you need a set of double pointed needles (dpn) and a circular needle (cn). Select needles appropriate for the yarn you use – I chose a size smaller than most would have used because I wanted a dense warm hat.

On one dpn cast on 3 stitches, slide to other end and
Row 2: knit one, yarn over, k1 yo, k1, yo.
Row 3: knit (six stitches)
Row 4: k2 yo three times, now is time to add two more dpn spacing stitches evenly among them.
Row 5: knit (nine stitches) These nine are the basis of the spiralling pinwheel crown. You may want to add a stitch marker so you know where your row ends.
Row 6: k1, yo to end
Row 7 and all odd rows till crown ends: knit
Row 8: k2, yo to end
Row 10: k3, yo to end (your yarn overs ought to be falling in an ascending spiral)
Row 12: k4, yo to end
Row 14: k5, yo to end
Row 16: and all even rows until crown is large enough: keep increasing one knit stitch by knitting pervious yo stitch before adding next yo

When you determine that the crown is large enough for your hat, cease making yo’s. Knit round without adding. Hopefully your work will be large enough to allow you to switch to cn. Knit without adding stitches until the hat is about long enough. Then use k2 p2 ribbing to complete the desired lasts rows of the brim.

I made my hat extra long because my ears always seem to creep out from under my hats and freeze. The extra length, snugly knit with thicker wool in a ribbed edge, keeps my ears well covered and warm.

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