Monday, October 18, 2010


Though I overselpt today, ignoring the alarm for at least half an hour, it was still inky dark out when the dogs took me out for our first walk of the day. This is Finland and the days are definitely getting shorter as we head toward midwinter, which is still months away.

Anyhow, this morning the sky was clear, the stars out, the ground frosty, the leaves under the dogs paws crackled, and the tree skeletons stood starkly dark against the even darker sky. The difference isn't so much one of dark and darker but one of luminosity. The clear night sky is luminous, while the trees are opaque, otherwise all would blend into one darkness.

As time advanced the sky greyed, the trees became more and more visible, slowly color returned, first to the sky then to our surroundings. The air is fresh with a hint of wood smoke and a mild breeze.

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